La Bibbia è la parola di Dio? Un Confronto tra Cristianesimo ed Islam sul piano delle scritture di Abdul Gialil Randellini a cura del Centro Islamico Italiano |
Bibliografia 1. Santo Corano, U.C.O.I.I. 2. Explanatory English Translation of Holy Qur'an, by Dr. Muhammad Taqui-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. 3. La Sacra Bibbia, traduzione di Fulvio Nardoni. 4. The Holy Bible, King James Version, authorized 1611. 5. New American Standard Bible. 6. The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version. 7. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Chiesa dei Testimoni di Geova. 8. Davis Dictionary of the Bible, 1980. 9. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. 10. Smith's Bible Dictionary, 1980. 11. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1980. 12. Muhammad in the Bible, by Prof. Abdu'L-Ahad Dawud. 13. Muhammad in the Bible, by Ahmed Didat. 14. Muhammad in the Bible, by Jamal Badawi: Al-Ittihad, Gennaio-Marzo,1982. 15. Biblical Studies from Muslim Perspectives, by S. Mufassir. 16. Jesus, A Profet of Islam, by Sulaiman Shaid Mufassir. 17. The Myth of the Cross, by A. D. Ajijola. 18. The Cross and the Crescent, by Maulana Muhammad Imran. 19. Christian Muslim dialogue, by H.M.Baagil. 20. Islam and Christianity, by Ulfat Aziz-us-Samad. 21. Greek Bible. 22. Traité moderne de Théologie Islamique, par Cheikh Hamza Boubaker. 23. Islam, forma e principi, a cura di Dr.Mujahed Badaoui, Centro Islamico Italiano. | All rights reserved.© 2008 |